    Personal Details
    1. Type of Lessee:
    Function Details
    1. Type of Function:
    2. *Please note a small amount of fee of $50.00 will be required.
    3. Number of people attending? (if known):
      Type of Invitees:
    4. Type of Booking:
      Function Frequency:
    5. Describe Day(s) of the Week:
    6. Function Start Date:
      Function Set Up Start Time:
      Function Start Time:
    7. Function End Date:
      Function End Time:
      Vacate Time:
    8. Will food and/or drinks be served at the function? If yes, terms and conditions for Kitchen Use Rules will need to be followed.
    9. Will food be cooked on site and/or drinks be prepared on site? If yes, terms and conditions for Kitchen Use Rules will need to be followed.
    10. I am over the age of 18 years and agree that the above information is true and correct. I shall adhere to all terms and conditions of the booking including packing down and cleaning after the event. Where applicable, I will also pay hire fees.

    11. Signature Date: